Според изискванията на НАРЕДБА № Н-18 от 13 дек 2006 г. (за регистриране и отчитане чрез фискални устройства на продажбите в търговските обекти, изискванията към софтуерите за управлението им и изискванията към лицата, които извършват продажби чрез електронен магазин) в софтуера е създаден специален одиторски профил с права само за ...
Read moreA part number (often abbreviated PN, P/N, part no., or part #) is an identifier of a particular part design used in a particular industry. Its purpose is to simplify reference to that part. A part number unambiguously identifies a part design within a single corporation, and sometimes across several ...
Read moreIf you want to print a document, but there is text on the header and footer that you do not need, you can remove it in a very easy way. On the left there is a menu options , select More settings. You'll see following: - Simplification of page - Upper and ...
Read moreGenerating documents became easily in a few steps : Step 1. Аfter you've logged into the MY-dox system, click on Add and select the type of document you want to create. Step 2. You will open a new page, which is similar to MS Word, over the page is a drop-down menu ...
Read moreThe creation of templates becomes very easy and fast! Once you have logged in to the My-dox, go to the Document menu, then enter submenu Templates. You will open a new page similar to Word, click on it and delete text (characters on it). Set the text of the document, ...
Read moreIf you have a paper document, that have been scanned and want to add in the My-dox system, you can do it with a few clicks. Select Documents from the Main Menu. In the popup menu Add scanned document. You will get a page Add a document type selected document Contract. ...
Read moreAs a first step, you must make Registration in My-dox.com. Once inside my-dox.com click on the Button below right, try for 30 days. Fill in your details and Register. Once logged in My-dox.com, will welcome My-dox assistant that will allow you to Fine tunning such as Monitoring stocks, Monitoring low stocks, Entering prices ...
Read moreFrom here you can add, edit and delete static page titles, keywords, slider, advertisements, promotional codes and more. Static pages pic1 To add a New static page, click on the Pages menu and from there to the Add page. In the opened page, enter the relevant information (Title and text), being careful is ...
Read moreYou can add information about your bank account by logging into Account, where you will see 3 subcategories: IBAN, Bank and Bank code. The information is entered manually into separate fields for this.
Read moreOnce logged in, select Account from the menu top right. Then from the drop-down menu, select the account you want to remove, click the Delete button.
Read moreLog in with your Account, then click in the right - Add button. The System will take you to another page where you fill in the information (name and company address, phone, e-mail, accountable person, website, bank, etc.) for the new account (company).
Read moreUpper left you have a menu, where you can change the language, style, and account, which are currently in the system. If you have more than one company, and it is registered in the system instead of exiting and entering again with your other ...
Read moreIf you want the pop windows in site to be shown, you can set this feature by going to Settings, go to the category Suggest pop-ups online. Then from the drop-down menu, select Show All, then press Save button.
Read moreLog in Users, then in submenu Change Password. You have two options to get the password automatically, click once on the Create password - in the empty field sideways you will see variations of your password after you select one, click Use password. Another ...
Read moreThe logo is set and edit from Account, you can upload a photo to be your company's logo or choose it from the pictures that are taken.
Read moreAbove your list of employees, near Delete button is checked Show inactive, remove it to see all your active employees!
Read moreOn the left, there is a vertical menu Messages and Chat, choose it. You will see a window with the names of your employees, consumers and others, click on Send chat - against each name. If you want to add to any or all ...
Read moreOn the left, there is a vertical menu To do list, select it. You'll see a small window with a field where you can enter tasks. After you filled the information in the box, select To calendar, located at the bottom, right to Done, ...
Read moreOn the left, there is a vertical menu To do list, select it. Will display a small window with a field where you can enter tasks, below right is a dropdown menu ADD TO, from it select an employee, then press Done button.
Read moreOn the left, there is a vertical menu To do list, select it. You'll see a small window with a field where you can enter tasks, below right is a dropdown menu ADD TO, from it chose Me, then press Done button.
Read moreOn the left, there is a vertical menu Calendar, choose it. You will see a window with the days of the month, click on the date you want to add an event. Once you show small window New event, you can fill in the fields ...
Read moreOnce you have entered the mobile version of My - dox, choose the last box on the left FAST LINKS. You will see 4 fields: Submit payment to employee, Add cost of object, Get money, Add total cost. Go to Add total cost, fill in the ...
Read moreIf you Receive/ or you have cash on hand and want to add document (invoice or delivery note), it is very easy! Log in to the mobile version of My - dox, choose the last box on the left FAST LINKS. You will see 4 fields: ...
Read moreOnce you have entered the mobile version of My - dox, choose the last box on the left FAST LINKS. You will see 4 fields: Submit payment to employee, Add cost of object, Get money, Add total cost. Go to Add cost of object, fill ...
Read moreOnce you have entered the mobile version of My - dox, choose the last box on the left FAST LINKS. You will show 4 fields: Submit payment to employee, Add cost of object, Get money, Add total cost. Go to Submit payment to employee, fill in ...
Read moreIn Partners, just above the list of your partners and suppliers, there is a small blue rectangle that says VCF export, choose one that you want to export and click on the blue rectangle VCF exports.
Read moreFrom the Main menu, select Documents, then select Add document. You will open a new page where you can choose the type of document you want to create (offer, invoice, payment, purchase, etc), then fill the required fields (Partners, Object, date and Item / ...
Read moreIn the main menu, select Inventory / Project, then you will show three menus: Projects, Add a project and Report object. Choose the Report object, you will see three fields where you must fill to which object you want to refer, and from what to what date, pressing ...
Read moreFrom the Main menu select Inventory / Project, then you will see three menus: Projects, Add Shop / Project, Project Report. Choose Add Shop / Project by completing the information, click Add button.
Read moreIf you want to make a stock report, from the Main Menu enter in Inventory menu, hence Payment reports category. In the fields enter the name of the Object, which will make a report, then click Refresh.
Read moreHere you can add a new employee in your organization. In the Name box, fill in the information in the required fields - the names of the employee, how many days will work in the week, from the calendar select the date ...
Read moreSelect what you add, Customer or Supplier. Then fill in the information (Name of customer / supplier or company, Add a logo, address, phone, E-mail, payment terms, Personal data, etc.) to your new customer / supplier.
Read moreIn the upper left corner you will see four flags (American, Russian, Italian and Bulgarian), depending on the preferred language, click on a flag and your language will be changed.
Read moreFrom the Main menu select Inventory. You will open Submenu Inventory / Current page / and Add Shop. Go to Add Shop, fill in your details in the appropriate fields and save. If you want to change information about your Store / Project or simply close it, ...
Read moreIf you want to use the Calculator, go to document (no matter whether it is an invoice or any other), top left (above the name of your company) you'll see two buttons: Help button and Calculator, click on calculator.
Read moreThe salary is the monthly fee on the work done by the employee during the given month. The hourly rate of January 2015 is 2.38 during normal working hours 8 hours and 5 days a week, 390 lv. salary (minimum salary). Day peeps ...
Read more1. In the Employees Salaries menu, you'll see Salaries submenu, there you'll see drop-down menu Employees, from there choose the employee, who will make reference. The following drop-down menus are for the period (from - to), after select which - date to which - the date ...
Read moreInformation for a period can be made in the following ways: 1. In the menu Employees Salaries menu has a submenu, there have drop-down menu Employees, from there choose the employee, who will make reference. The following drop-down menus are for the period (from - ...
Read moreIf you are already done with your work in a shop / project / and you do not need it more, you can close it from here. Simply click on the Close Button, located at the end of the line for the Shop / Project and he ...
Read moreUpon Registration in My-dox you receive fully functional and operating an electronic shop in 2 designs (design can change from the Top right menu / Settings / Style e-store - the choice between Style1 and Style2 (default is selected)). So you can attend and online. It only remains to add categories ...
Read moreHere you can see the reports for your stores. From the drop-down menu Choose store (1), select the project you want to see reference. Select the period for which a reference by clicking in a field from and to, and specify the dates on the calendar. Click on the Button Show to view ...
Read moreFrom here you can add new project / store in the system. Enter the information into the appropriate fields, and Shop name (1), Description (2), Address (3), Status (4) - active or inactive. Choose a color scheme of Color (5) - this will help you stand out in your list. ...
Read moreBy selecting Add user will add a new user, who can use the System. Set Username and Password. If you want (we recommend you do), you can use a password Generator by clicking the Generate a password. The password will appear in the box next to the button. To use ...
Read moreYou can access the menu Nomenclature Salary, from the menu Employees in the right is the category Nomenclature salary. Will display a list of Nomenclature: Bonus An added bonus Working hours Pensions Social security Fines Delays Dismissions Phone Advance You can edit the information from the Edit button on the right.
Read moreLog in Staff menu, Salary category. You will see three fields for filling: drop-down menu Employees, from which to select employee, who consulted the other two fields are introducing a period (date from which - to date you'd like your reference), but if you want ...
Read moreHere you can add a new employee in your organization. n the Name box (1) enter the names of the employee. In the Workdays (2), enter the number of days that will operate the new employee. In the next field Date of filing (3) enter from the calendar that appears when clicking ...
Read moreBy selecting Partners from the main menu, you will open Sub-Contractors (1) / current page / Add counterparty (2), Employees (3), Add servant (4).. You'll also see the Add button (5), which can add a new counterparty (Customer, Supplier, Employee). In the main part of the screen you will see your ...
Read moreMy-dox is oriented online management system business. Therefore, the answer, unfortunately, is No, you can not use it Offline. But you can use the documents you have created, if you have downloaded them in PDF format.
Read moreYes of course. To do this, you just need to add some payments to a document in the familiar way to add payment. If payment is the first to document and will not be fully enter the corresponding amount / proportion of total / and press Pay (after filling and other ...
Read moreAt top right, next to the search box you'll see Add button, clicking on it you are shown a list of documents you can create (add), select Order. Once your system is transferred to a new page, fill in the required fields: Contractor, Project ...
Read moreSometimes you may need to send multiple invoices to multiple contacts in one company - for example the Finance team and the CEO. With My-dox, you're able to add multiple contacts to a single client, and you can then choose which oф those contacts to send invoices to. There are ...
Read moreWhen a project, client, etc. is deleted, it does not exist in the system.
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