
Chapter 2
Resources / Guides / How to expand your online business by e-mail

Why Email Marketing is the key to Ecommerce success

According to MarketingSherpa, for many of the electronic business - one-third of their website traffic is formed by returned to users.

But the truth of the traffic on the websites is that most people who visit your online store or website, new visitors who never ever visited them unless they do something to make them not interrupted to return to you. Building an email list helps you to work around this problem and keep more of the traffic for which you have worked so hard!

Your email list and campaigns moves traffic back to your website by offering incentives to return (may be discounted, valuable content, new products, etc.) And direct communication.

According to the new studies Marketing Association:

  • 72% of the people prefer to receive promotional material via email than a social network.
  • 38% of the people say that getting special offers is - the main reason for subscribing for their email list.

In other words, if your e-business does not yet apply Email marketing, then you throw money down the drain. If these statistics are not convinced you yet, let these 5 reasons doit!
  1. Email surpasses Facebook and Twitter on sale online
Most electronic businesses know that social media sites for the dissemination of information and marketing communications. Study of McKinsey & Company suggests that email marketing is 40 times more effective than Facebook and Twitter, when it comes to making a sale.

The reason email is more effective in the rise in traffic and sales is that you have to have a conversation about your products and business in the - the privacy of your clientele their e-mail.

While social platforms like Facebook and Twitter are suitable for free distribution of content and community engagement, but also they are noisy and your audience may be offline when you post something new to your business. On the other hand your emails stay there (in the electronic mailbox of your customers) and wait for someone to open them and read.

2. Classification according to Google's algorithm becomes more difficult

Climb in the ranking of Google search becomes more - difficult. Those of you who are up to date with the latest techniques in SEO optimization, most - probably aware that many of the techniques that optimizers are used to obtain higher rankings for keywords already impaired by Google. Algorithmic changes (rightly) cracked down on low quality content, keyword-based anchor text, paid links and many other linking strategies. This has put many businesses that have used these in the famed Google penalty box, and many more businesses in a state of constant fear that they may lose their rankings in the future.

Most Of Seo strategies that have been preserved and do the work (such as marketing content) require time to build before the desired rankings to be achieved., Leaving ups with only one option to have the first page in Google - Google AdWords.

That's why businesses invest in PPC ads to build your email list. So instead of a potential semi click search, they open the door for future communication with their target customer base, which should not be worried that they could be punished by Google.

3. Email is best friend Content Marketing

Content Marketing is a strategic marketing activity in which businesses create and distribute exciting content, whose audience is valuable. Instead of paying to obtain potential customers with traditional advertising businesses aim to attract attention to themselves by providing appropriate education and entertainment that builds buzz for the brand and strengthens public confidence.

Therefore collecting email addresses is so important. Gives it gives way to keep in touch and follow your audience over time to ensure that all the time and money that you have invested to create meaningful results more than one time visitors.

4. Email carried traffic and sales

With the potential to carry your messages komukatsiya with different segments of your email list, you can use your email list to reach customers in different ways.

Here are some ideas:
  • Newsletters provide your audience most - the new information about your new products and news about your business
  • Drip campaigns are a collection of letters sent in a strategic way, with the intention to engage and educate customers over time while buying.
  • Emails a special occasion, holidays, birthdays and other personal events
  • Abandoned carts - reminders ensure customers to complete the payment process.
  • Reward loyal customers with exclusive discounts
  • reangazhirayte customers who have not shopped soon
  • generate feedback, testimonials from clients
  • Trigger campaigns send specific emails when customers take certain action (customer clicks "Women's Fashion", "50% Discount Spring-Summer"; email is delivered two days later).

5. Email allows you to build a relationship with your customers and prospects

While social media and search engines are a great way to be found by prospective customers, email is the - best and effective way to maintain and strengthen your relationship with time.

Sixty-six percent of online customers prefer to buy a new product from brands they already know, according to a survey of Nielsen.

This should not surprise you if you shop online. You are willing to purchase already utvardeni brands, which are built link.

Note: Anti-Spam Laws:

Email marketing is the best example of "authorized marketing" - a concept by Seth Godin, marketer and best-selling author, which means that people can choose from and their relationship with your brand. Unlike traditional advertising and other intrusive marketing channels, it is ultimately their choice they learn it from your business.

While anti-spam laws differ depending on where you advertise, adhering to the following best practices:
  • Get consent - You have received explicit permission, or opt out of your email list to send commercial e-mail messages and you explain the nature of the relationship that you have established. Make sure you have a record in case you need them evidence.
  • Identify yourself - Your messages must clearly identify you or your company as a sender. Suggest a way to contact you - address or website, usually placed at the bottom of your emails.
  • Suggest a way to quit your emails - Every email should have osigurennachin derecognition, which allows the recipient to stop all future messages.
See Legal Guide to e-commerce for more in-depth analysis of anti-spam legislation specific countries worldwide. Do not be afraid! These laws are based around best - practices that each ethical business must comply.

Having clarified in theory what is Email marketing and why it is needed, it is time to roll up our hands and start work on building your email list!

Author: Gabriela Plocheva platform made for you

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