Upgrade plan
From here anytime, if you wish, you can upgrade used terms. If what you're currently using, you lack, you can add extras (such as documents, users, employees, customers or disk space).
Select the desired Plan (1) (You can choose between four types: Gnet Personal (Free) (1.a), Gnet light (12.95 €. / Month) (1.b), Gnet pro (22.95 €. / Month) ( 1.c) and Gnet ultimate (32.95 €. / month) (1.d)), you want to use by clicking on it (At the box will see who plan what gives you). As you do, at the bottom (in Section Overview of chosen plan (2)) will see that the information is changed, according to the limits in this plan.
From Section Adding extras (3) located on the side, if desired, add more Extras. At right (Section Selected plan (4)), you will see the final version.
Once you have made your selection, click on the Pay button (5) to proceed to payment.
This will open a window For payment.
Click on the Buy Now Button to complete the payment through online payment System PayPal..
Upon successful payment, you will be transferred to My-dox System that will confirm payment and the renewed plan, and will display the new limits.
If you do not make payments, you will be transferred back to My-dox System that will inform and show the current limits.