
/ Knowlage base / Settings


Here you can tune various aspects of work in the System.

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Site Style. Click the drop-down list (1) and choose what is your style default (grey, blue, black). If you want to have a background on the site, please check the box (1.a)
Suggesting windows site. Click on the drop-down list (2) and select the desired (Save current state, Show All, Hide All).
Windows cues (tooltip). Select the drop-down menu (3) (Show All or Hide all) if you show hints to guide you in using the system.
Fixed menu. Choose from the list (4) whether the Main menu is always fixed at the top (to be always visible, even when scrolling) or not.
Assistant creating documents (5). If you turned it off, you turn it back here.
Tax default (6). Here you can determine the fee to be applied by default. You can choose from a proposed system or to add (6.b) own and edit them (6.a).
To edit a fee, select it and then click on the button Change (6.a). In the resulting screen, make the appropriate changes (in Tax (1) and Tax percentage (2)) and click on the Save button (3) to save the changes.

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To add a New tax, use the Add Button (6.b) and in the popup screen, enter a Name for the new tax (1) (usually a Percentage tax, eg. 15%) and Percentage tax (2), number (eg. 15 ) and click on the Save Button (3) to add a new tax.

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Trace amounts. From the drop-down list (7), select On / Off, you can specify whether System to monitor the availability of stock / services and alerts You when needed (eg. If you have 2 pcs. Of a product, and you sell 4).
Feedback module (8). This is a Feedback Module / red button "hooked" on the right.
After the changes, simply use one of the Save button (9 or 10) to save them.