By selecting from the main menu Payments, you will open Sub Payments (2) / current page / and Invoices (1) Add payment (3) and Statement of payments (4)
Here you will see the available list of all your documents in which you have any payments.
In the title bar are given which column shows what: Payment for (5.b) shows for which document refers payment. Client (5.c) shows a customer who is linked document. Amount (5.d) - the amount is paid. Date (5.e) - when payment is made. Method (5.f) - how it's done (in cash or by payment order). Note (5.g) - if you added a note to the document. And Action (5.h) - actions that you can do on a payment View (6.a) and Payment (6.b) - if not fully paid.
If you want to delete a document, select it from the field (7) situated at the beginning of the given order.
To select all documents, select the field (5.a).
Click on the Delete button (8) and confirm and selected documents and they will be deleted.
If you have many documents and if you want, you can perform a search by clicking on the button (9)
In the dialog that opens for Search, you can search by document (9.a), Goods (9.b) and Counterparty (9.c). Type what you looking for and press the Search button (10.a). To clear the fields use the Clear button (10.b). To close the form, use the X button (11) located in the upper right corner.