How to make a reference about a deductions, bonuses , fines, atc.
1. In the Employees Salaries menu, you'll see Salaries submenu, there you'll see drop-down menu Employees, from there choose the employee, who will make reference. The following drop-down menus are for the period (from - to), after select which - date to which - the date ...
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You can access the menu Nomenclature Salary, from the menu Employees in the right is the category Nomenclature salary. Will display a list of Nomenclature:
An added bonus
Working hours
Social security
You can edit the information from the Edit button on the right.
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Log in Staff menu, Salary category. You will see three fields for filling: drop-down menu Employees, from which to select employee, who consulted the other two fields are introducing a period (date from which - to date you'd like your reference), but if you want ...
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