Here you can view and change information about your account. There are 3 submenus: Details of the company (1) - the current page, Your profile (2) and Delete Account (3).
In Data of the company will be able to change information about the companies that you add, and delete (6) existing and add (5) new ones.
From Account (4) you can select a Company (if you have more than one) that you want to change the information. In Data for the Company (7) will see the available information that you added to it.
Company logo (8). If you set Logo (one or more) for your Company, you will see them. Your Current logo will be surrounded by a green frame and checked in the lower left corner (8.a). If you want to temporarily use the logo, simply remove the check. If you have more than one logo can modify it as appropriate check it in the lower left corner (8.c). If you want to delete a logo, click on the X in the upper right corner (8.b). To view larger photo, click on the Logo itself. You will get the original picture. If you have more than one logo you can check them here by clicking the left (forward) or right (back) end of the image. To close it, use the X in the upper right corner.