
/ Iniziare

Registration in My-dox

This article is made for people who need a detailed explanation for signing up in my-dox.

The Process is simple and user-friendly, it will take You up to 1 minute of Your time. My-dox offers free trial period of 30 days. During that period You and your team will get acquainted with its functionality and capability. For the registration we do not require any billing or other sensitive information.

For begin your sign up process you must go the main page of my-dox - and click on the bottom right button - Try it free for 30 days.

After Your click it will be initialized a Dialog window, who contains 3 required fields.

The first is the name of your company – it must contain only characters of the Latin alphabet and numerals. The name must be unique for my-dox, because this name will be used as your access address.

The second field is your e-mail address, my-dox will send to it your login credentials.. The third field is select button, where You can choose the type of software – Standard, For shop owners, For hotel owners, For building companies, events manager, Secured cloud and Secured chat.

After you fill up all of the fields, the button for Next in the bottom right part of dialog will be enabled.

After You press the button will be loaded a new dialog window, where you can fill the full name of your company, do not use any special symbols.

If You check the check box in the middle will be loaded additional field that are not required. The button for Next will be enabled.

After You press the button the process of your registration is all ready over and You successfully created Your account in my-dox. Will be loaded a dialog window with Your login information and button for instant access to Your account.

Welcome to My-dox! platform made for you

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